Mirabel Airport, of all places!

We said goodbye to Martin after supper in a wonderful local restaurant, then ended up spending the night in a hotel at Mirabel's passengerless airport, cause nothing else was available in the area. It was built in the middle of nowhere, the lands expropriated 25-30 years ago, the town disapered, all in the name of progress. It became Montreal's International Airport. Now, they've shut down the passenger service in the airport, recognizing the brilliantly white elephantineness of the place. On top of that, the Hotel was 2 nights away from closing permanently after 25 years of operations. It was Eerie, a hotel in the middle of nowheres, that was packed, about to close. Go Figure!


Mais, C'est Vide!
A side note, this was the 6000th picture taken with my camera!
The hotel was connected to the airport by tunnels. At 3-4 in the morning we were off to the airport in search of cigarettes. The place was empty! I mean deserted. Maybe 40 people were seen in the 30 minutes Robert and I were there.

It did give us the opportunity to look at a replica of one of Leonardo Da Vinci's creations.

La Machine Volante, circa 1500 AD

The next day, we went off to the port of Old Montreal! It was a wonderful few hours, as you can see from the pictures on the next page!

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